Private Conductive Education Sessions
Private Conductive Education sessions are an excellent complement or alternative to group sessions, enabling you to work intensively and with one-to-one attention in your home environment. Having your Conductive Education session at home allows you to address challenges in the environment where they occur and to practice solutions that might best work for you in that environment. Private sessions are perfect when there is not a suitable group available, when for whatever reason your needs cannot be met in a group environment, or when transportation or other barriers make it difficult for you to access Conductive groups. In-home sessions also allow for family members and carers or support workers to take part in sessions, to observe you doing things in the way that works best for you and your body, and practice the skills and techniques that you are learning with you and your conductor so that they can be better implemented or incorporated into your regular daily activities.
Lisa offers regular weekly in-home sessions to people in central, north, and west Auckland and occasional in-home consultations and advice sessions for people living in Auckland areas beyond those mentioned. Lisa also delivers private sessions online through Skype and email. Please complete this enquiry form to discuss Private In-home or Online Conductive Education sessions.