Lisa Gombinsky Roach qualified as a conductor in Birmingham, England through the Foundation for Conductive Education and the University of Wolverhampton in 2000, amongst the first cohort of conductors trained in England and has specialised in Conductive Education for adults since her student days.  Lisa has worked with people of all ages in various conductive settings worldwide including centres in New Zealand, England, Canada, Norway, Australia, and Indonesia.  She has written extensively about Conductive Education for adults and has presented at several conferences.  Lisa is also a REPS certified personal trainer, with qualifications from the Australian Institute of Fitness in 2008.   She is passionate about bringing movement and exercise opportunities to all people regardless of age or ability and focusses on making exercise fun, accessible, and customised to each individual's needs.  In her spare time Lisa enjoys exploring the outdoors - you might find her out and about either 'geocaching' or on a 'zombie run' on any given day!