Condition Specific Group Sessions
A Conductive Education Group provides a unique opportunity for people with conditions such as Parkinson's Disease, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke and other long term conditions that affect mobility and independence to come together in a positive, active, engaging, and supportive exercise group under the guidance of a rehabilitation and movement specialist know as a conductor. Through a systematic and comprehensive programme of movements and tasks, participants work to develop a set of skills and strategies that will enable them to move with more control and confidence and to directly address the challenges they are faced with as a result of their condition. Conductive Education encourages individualisation of specific techniques and strategies and the group environment allows individuals to learn and be inspired by each other and to share their personal solutions with others who can benefit. Of equal if not greater importance, Conductive Education Groups are places where friendships and social connections are made, where people with specific conditions and their families can come together in understanding and camaraderie, and where fun and laughter meet positivity and hope. Contact Lisa to find out more about Conductive group sessions or to book a free initial consultation.