My vision is simple -- I want people with disabilities to have access to Conductive Education and exercise in a range of settings and flexible service provisions as, when, and where it suits them, and beyond the narrow realms of health care and rehabilitation. My mission with my consultancy work therefore is to collaborate and partner with other organisations or community groups in New Zealand and beyond that share my vision, and to be a part of promoting and developing services that will make that vision a reality.
Whether you are a community group looking to run a Conductive Education group for the first time, an established Conductive centre looking to branch out to include adult programs in the services you offer, a community group looking for someone to help you plan and deliver an intensive Conductive service, or an organisation that supports people with disabilities that is looking to add Conductive Education or condition specific exercise to your services, Transformations can help you. Whether you are a mainstream fitness provider or community organisation looking for ways to include people with disabilities in your club, looking for support for your staff already trying to do so, or looking for support and up-skilling for your professional and support staff, Transformations can help you.